Thursday, July 26, 2012

Withdrawal does not make for a fun vacation

I'll admit to being puzzled by "how to enjoy your holiday" articles. Who writes these things? What in the world is going through their minds? For instance, can someone please explain why it would be a good idea for EVERYONE to completely unplug on the next vacation, cut off every form of access to the internet through which we routinely connect right now in the 21st century? I've seen that idea put forth by a number of enjoy your vacation writers. Hmm.

I'm sure there are those who have decided to quit smoking, for instance, on a vacation. Perhaps it's effective but I doubt very seriously that it's enjoyable or relaxing, either for the one going cold turkey or for the unfortunate family and friends sharing the vacation, who have to deal with someone in full blown withdrawal at a time that is supposed to be fun and relaxing. Is it a reasonable prediction that people will enjoy the discomforts of withdrawal during the precious few days they aren't flogging themselves at work?

Seems crazy to me. What do you think?

Moderation is a fine way to enjoy a vacation. There's no harm in unplugging more than you're used to, dialing it down a notch or two. Sadly, the idea of extreme everything is a part of the American psyche, which explains the hideous sunburns, aching muscles and exhaustion that seem to be part of many vacation experiences. Add to that an extreme situation of withdrawal. Oh dear.

I know there are those who can't put the iphone down even when they're with their dear ones or out for a walk in a gorgeous setting. It's an obsession just like many others. For those folks, maybe a bout in rehab would work better than to imagine a lovely, idyllic vacation during which being unplugged is suddenly and miraculously relaxing. Yes? I say yes.

However you spend your summer vacation, remember, you don't have to be so harsh with yourself. Yes? I say yes. Shalom.


Kerry said...

The problem with being so connected all of the time is that it can be sort of hard to leave your work behind. There is an expectation in the workplace these days that you will continue to check email, and then...respond to email...and then... dammit you're back at work again even though you're on vacation!

But your advice to not be harsh on oneself is very wise.

The Bug said...

I'm lucky that I have an hourly job & so I'm not expected to keep up with work when I'm not here.

Our last vacation ended up being a staycation because it was just too darn hot to drive anywhere. We had a great time - visited a local museum, slept late, enjoyed spending time together, and, yes, spent lots of time in our electronic world. It was wonderfully relaxing :)