Friday, August 19, 2011

A Plan to Stay Sane

I am a truly holistic healer. I believe in every kind of medicine, depending on the person and situation, and I believe that every ailment has a physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual component. I mean really what is the difference between mind and body? The people who study these things, who have long held out for major divisions between body and mind, are coming around at last to what has been common wisdom among healers all over the world throughout history: the two are not only related, but impossible to separate.

I'm not saying I believe it is possible to think yourself to health, nope. If only! Illness is complicated and the conscious mind, though certainly sure of itself, can not wrap itself around every facet of what causes illness or what will help to heal illness. We're smart, but not that smart. The connection of physical ailments to the mind is through the back door - the unconscious. I use healing visualizations often, and I think they are useful, but I know visualization takes place at the most superficial layer of the body/mind link.

Google the phrase "placebo more effective now" if you doubt that mind/body is one and the same. If you're one of those people who talks about (or thinks about) "psychosomatic" ailments, please stop that right now. That mindset is punitive, as if the person suffering made a rational decision to become ill. Please. Who would do that? C'mon.

While I acknowledge the mind/body link is mysterious, I nevertheless attempt to dance in alignment with the deep, unconscious connection. Hence I created what I call my "Plan to Stay Sane." Sanity is a good place to be in health as well as in illness. Sanity supports good health, helps us put one foot in front of the other. I am happiest when I'm sane.

Everything on the following list supports sanity. There is never a guarantee, but I'm all for giving it a go, even during this crazy era of history, even in the very crazy city where I live. Check it out, see what fits for you. Make your own Plan to Stay Sane. Why not, hey? It's worth a try anyway!

A Plan to Stay Sane

1. Eat well and get enough sleep. (I could, and may, write a whole post about sleep.)

2. Spend time outdoors every day even if it's too hot, too cold, too rainy or whatever. Be barefoot as much as you can. As Ellen says, "Can't absorb the healing emanations from the earth if you are wearing shoes all the time. People need direct contact with the earth." Yes we do! Thanks Ellen. Watch where you're walking though.

3. Move around. Walk, dance, ride your bike, go to the gym - whatever suits you, do it. Do not just sit in a chair, on the couch, or in your car all the time.

4. Express yourself creatively. Draw, write, take pictures, paint, cook, daydream.

5. Every day: do something that makes you sweat.

6. Every day: sing.

7. Receive treatments: massage, acupuncture, psychotherapy, etc.

8. Spend time with people you love, who love you. Hang out with folks you like a lot. The ones you don't like - avoid. **

9. Work hard, but not too hard. After work, rest and appreciate the fruits of your labors.

10. Resist the urge to take things literally or personally. Let it all roll off your back like water off a duck.

**Though there are exceptions to this idea. Hannah says, "Once I worked with a woman that I was sort of repelled by. I wanted to avoid her because I found her style to be pushy and obnoxious. At the same time, I knew she was a good person and had a very different background than me. So I finally took the time to try to listen and understand her better. What a revelation! I learned so much about her, but more about me. Now one of my best friends. that's when I realized that sometimes it is really good and healthy to try to spend time with someone you might want to avoid."


That's my current list. What's your plan? Have a wonderful, satisfying, SANE day today. Shalom.


jeanette from everton terrace said...

Okay, I have #s 4,6,8,10 down very well but I have to work on 1,3,5,9 - sleep is often a problem for me. Funny about the evens and the odds :)

Reya Mellicker said...

It is really interesting about the evens and odds!

ellen abbott said...

to #2 I would add being barefoot. Can't absorb the healing emanations from the earth if you are wearing shoes all the time. People need direct contact with the earth.

Reya Mellicker said...

Ellen I'm going to change it right now.

Hannahrae said...

Once I worked with a woman that I was sort of repelled by. I wanted to avoid her because I found her style to be pushy and obnoxious. At the same time, I knew she was a good person and had a very different background than me. So I finally took the time to try to listen and understand her better. What a revelation! I learned so much about her, but more about me. Now one of my best friends. that's when I realized that sometimes it is really good and healthy to try to spend time with someone you might want to avoid.

There is a reason for that odd avoidant feeling and if you are ready to learn about it, it can be great!

Reya Mellicker said...

Yes it can be. Good point, Hannah. A part of good health has to do with flexibility, curiosity and a willingness to take risks.

On the other hands, sometimes staying away from people I don't like is the very healthiest thing I can do.

If only life were simple, hey?

Pauline said...

Looking forward to the post about sleep - there are times that no remedy seems to work - what then?

This is a wonderful blog, Reya - there is nothing as beneficial as a healing touch, and you have it.