Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Yeah, I'm still thinking about dying. The young woman I mentioned is in 24-hour home hospice care. She is dozing or drifting most of the time, receiving sufficient pain medication to remain comfortable. Who knows what's going on for her?

For her family, though, the gifts of community are many. Here is a link to a blog post written yesterday by this woman's father. This is an incredible piece of writing reflecting clearly the truth that a broken heart is not always a bad thing. People have opened their hearts and homes, made time to help. The generosity and good vibes attending this passing are beyond belief. If you're a cynic, click the link.

I am in awe of the beauty and power surrounding this event. Wow.

The image, above, is one I captured Saturday while walking around. They are headed in the direction of Kirby's house. Reading the blog helped me realize these guys were going to the "awake wake."


Kerry said...

Wow. I'm no cynic, but I just went & read that post. What an amazing, loving community. How fortunate Kirby is.

Val said...

thank you for this post and the last. we need to talk about this more. i am so unprepared, despite experiencing loss at different levels; it is the great unspoken as we worry about our lives. I like the idea of waving - its like writing a letter to the future. x

Jo said...

Reya, I'm not surprised that you were so tuned in to the happenings around you that you took note of the young men and their guitars. You have exquisite timing.

There are no accidents, and I'm certain that K.'s family will be uplifted forever by this photo.